Is Your Digital Marketing Strategy On Point for 2014?


If you’re trying to grow a business, you may have heard a lot of buzz lately about digital marketing- web site optimization, social media, keywords… the list goes on and on. The truth is, with mobile technology, emerging platforms and social trends moving at breakneck speed, there’s a lot of ground to cover to keep your online campaign competitive. E-mail marketing, search engine optimization and content creation is a never ending job, taking up more time than you originally budgeted. But here’s the rub. Your online presence- your website and more importantly, your digital marketing strategy is what will define whether or not your business gets off the ground in 2014.

Maximizing Social Media Channels      

Whether we like it or not, social media is here to stay and it’s only going to get more intense into 2014. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ are offering businesses unparalleled opportunities to connect, engage and compel consumers to investigate brands, share experiences and develop loyalty. Emerging platforms like Snapchat, Instagram and others make it easier than ever to share video clips and pictures for real time value. The fact is, if you haven’t created a social strategy, the time is now. If you’re new to social media, let your current customers know that you’re getting involved. If they follow you, you build credibility and legitimacy even faster with happy, engaged customers from day one.

Web Site Optimization

Today’s online consumers are savvy. In fact, as of this past September, 54 percent of people use multiple platforms to browse the web. That means online shoppers are using both desktop and mobile devices like iPads to find products and services they want. Your website simply must be up to speed, optimized to reach as many users as possible. That means an aggressive SEO plan, regular updates and compelling content that targets keywords relevant to your audience.

Get Found and Offer a Superior Experience

How do you know if your site is optimized? Consulting with a professional website design company is the easiest way to ensure you’re getting the maximum exposure possible with optimized features, engaging content, superior visual design and more. Getting your target audience to your site is step one, but keeping them there by offering a superior visit is just as important. The fact is, online consumers recognize quality and they will reward you for it.

From search engine optimization to social media marketing to mobile-optimized websites, the key in 2014 will be to take full advantage of opportunities for growth by ensuring a strategic digital marketing plan. REM Creative Group is a South Florida creative agency with one objective- to wake up your brand. For expertise in website design, email marketing or website marketing, Miami businesses trust REM to maximize digital success.