Are You Maximizing Your Business Potential With a Professional Logo?

In today’s age of multimedia consumption, consumer attention span is short and you have less than ten seconds to make a meaningful impression. While compelling copy and the right business name are critical, businesses looking to stay competitive have one thing in common- a professional logo. Your business logo is the first and last thing [...]

Email Marketing is Here to Stay…Are You On Board?

Years ago, when you wanted to inform your customer base about a great new product you’ve launched or introduce them to a new aspect of your business, you sent them a brochure or a letter inviting them to give you a try. My how times have changed. Hardly anyone receives marketing literature via traditional mail anymore [...]

What Makes Compelling Graphic Design?

Most of us know what graphic design is. It’s using a visual medium to communicate a message, whether it’s to sell, announce, or persuade an audience. Graphic design is everywhere around us from magazine ads and business logos to billboards, even album covers. But what makes a graphic design compelling? How do images and words [...]